NFT Workx – July 2022 Update

Home NFT Workx – July 2022 Update

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The world of crypto moves fast and NFTworkx is no different with June being another very productive month for our projects. Despite difficult market conditions we continue to grow and develop, here is a summary of some of the latest news.

Client News

Stardom Chance NFT Collection

Stardom Chance: One of the most exciting client projects we have worked on. The Stardom Chance NFT collection has utility like we have never seen before. 

The Stardom Chance Genesis NFT Series is a limited collection of NFT art based on iconic film characters. Each unique NFT becomes your digital Stardom Chance membership card that also gives you exclusive VIP opportunities in the making of their films. Some of the NFT utilities include:


  • Actual speaking roles in upcoming stardom movies.
  • In person chance to attend stardom movie premieres.
  • Virtual access to film wrap parties and virtual attendance to stardom chance movie premiers.
  • The opportunity to participate in a virtual class with directors and producers of feature films.
  • Discounts on stardom chance events and merchandise and discounts to stardom movie tickets.
  • Stardom Physical Cold Storage Wallet Card and be provided lifetime access to stream all Stardom movie productions.

So if you’re a film lover or up and coming actor/actress then don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! 

A-List registration is now open until July 25, 2022.

Once you’re registered on the A-List, you will be notified by email/text to remind you of the 24 hour mint period, which opens on Tuesday, 26 July 2022.

The A-List Mint price will be $250 USD, after that the public sale price is $300 USD. Purchases can be made by Credit Card or Crypto (on the Polygon Matic chain).

Jodie Craddock

Jodie Craddock NFT Collection

Jody Craddock: is an English former professional footballer turned artist, who played as a centre back in the Premier League for Sunderland and Wolverhampton Wanderers. Jody is NFT Workx latest high level client to come on board and we are excited to welcome him onboard. More news about his up and coming NFT project in the coming weeks.

Simon McCoy

Simon McCoy NFT Collection

Simon McCoy: NFT Workx are pleased to announce our first book publication with first time author Simon McCoy. The first book “To Live Outside The Law – Finding My Mojo’ is the first release of a trilogy and will be available on Kindle next week and will then be released on Audible in August. Keep an eye out for a special NFT offer announcement next week!

Development News

Brand Workx Platform: Due to the delay of the token launch we have been focusing our efforts on the development of the Brand Workx platform which has been evolving at a rate of knotts. We have decided to expand the platform’s offering into the wider Web3 space.

Brand Workx now aims to be the world’s first dedicated platform that will help businesses and individuals navigate the new and sometimes complicated world of Web3 which of course includes NFTs.

The ecosystem will include some of the core Web3 technologies that all businesses need to be considering including NFTs, Web3 Domains, Avatars (Metaverse), Crypto Wallets, Crypto Payments, Tokenization, Community Building and Web3 Security.

At the core of the platform is of course the WRKX token – users will receive free tokens for product trials, platform usage and referrals and so the high utility of the WRKX Token will result in long term growth and stability of its price, driven by increased customer adoption and platform usage.


Token News

WRKX Token Launch Update: As most of you will be well aware the markets have been experiencing some turmoil recently and as such we have taken the decision to postpone the launch of the WRKX token. We all want the token to have a strong launch and given the instability and uncertainty currently in the markets we know the decision to postpone is the right one. 


So lot’s of exciting news especially on the platform development and client side of the business. As always we want to thank you, our supporters and community for joining us on this journey and for your continued support. 
