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Digital Collectibles (NFTs) for Sports Clubs

Over the last few years NFTs and Digital Collectibles have surged in popularity along with Crypto, Web3 and the Metaverse. But as with any new technology, it can often be confusing or complicated for the mass market to adopt, and this is what NFT Workx aims to solve.

Sports Fans

Being a fan of a sports team is a way of identifying oneself with a group that shares the same passion for a sport, the team and the players. Fans often have a deep emotional connection to the team, feeling a sense of pride and camaraderie with other fans.

Wearing team merchandise is one of the main methods used by fans to show this identity of who they are and who they support to the outside world.

Generational Change

Younger generations often follow the same sports teams as their parents. This is due to a variety of factors, such as being exposed to the team through their parents, developing a sense of loyalty to the team, and enjoying the shared experience of watching games together.

However, these new generations are now spending more time in the digital world. Generation Z (born between 1997-2012) and Generation Alpha (born after 2012) have grown up with technology as a normal part of their lives, and as a result, they tend to spend more time online and gaming compared to previous generations. In the future, we also expect these generations to watch their favourite sports teams in the digital world (Metaverse).

In the physical world people dress in a certain way to reflect their identity, whether that be a specific style or something that connects them with a specific group i.e. their sport team. But as people are now spending more time in the Digital World they also need to be able to ‘wear’ their identity and this is where we believe there is a big opportunity for Digital Collectibles and Digital Wearables (NFTs).


There is a lack of understanding for both sports teams and consumers when it comes to Digital Collectibles (NFTs).

The majority of NFTs thus far have been focused purely on a digital art element with a disconnect from physical goods.

Currently NFTs are mainly purchased on NFT marketplaces which are separate from your brand website, often complicated, and not suitable for your average consumer.

There is also the challenge of having to purchase NFTs with Cryptocurrency and the need for a Web3 Wallet. All of which can be barriers for both sports clubs and fans.


We believe that connecting a Digital Collectible to a physical item is a key element to solve the challenges and making the process of obtaining the NFT as seamless for the consumer as possible.

With our system your buyers will no longer need to visit specialist NFT Marketplaces – they will simply visit your current website as they would normally do to purchase your products.

When they add your physical products to the shopping cart there will also be an option to either purchase or claim the ‘Digital Collectible’ (NFT) version also.

They checkout as normal and pay for the items with their usual payment method (no crypto or wallet required).

Sports Club Steps

Create an NFT Workx Account

Install the NFT Workx App into your eCommerce platform

Select the products you want to create Digital Collectibles for

Add any special benefits/utility to the Digital Collectible

Set the price or offer it for free

Sports Fan Steps

Visits your website as they would normally do

They add an item to the shopping cart on your website

Option to purchase / claim the ‘Digital Collectible’ version

Checkout as normal and pay with usual payment method

Digital Collectible is emailed or sent to their wallet


Sports Club

  • No Web3 technical expertise required
  • Create an additional revenue stream
  • Engage with younger generations
  • Onboard older generations into Web3 easily
  • Provide a seamless and familiar experience

Sports Fan

  • No cryptocurrency or wallet required to purchase
  • Concept of a Digital Collectible is easier to understand
  • Digital Collectible is also a receipt/proof of purchase
  • Digital Collectible can be ‘Worn’ in the Digital World
  • Ability to trade/transfer/sell the Digital Collectible

Register Your Interest

If you are interested in selling Digital Collectible merchandise to your fans and being at the cutting edge of this new technology, but with very few barriers to market then please register your details below to notified of when the system will be ready: