NFT Workx – September 2023 Update

Home NFT Workx – September 2023 Update

Welcome to the latest edition of the NFT Workx newsletter, as we say goodbye to summer and enter the autumn period, always an exciting time of the year from a business and Web3 perspective. 

In this edition we will cover: 

  • Team Updates
  • Events Updates
  • Token Launch Updates
  • Mobile App Updates
  • eCommerce Platform

Team Updates

We are pleased to announce the addition of two new and very important members to the NFT Workx team:

Chris Cooke – Technical Team

Chris Cooke has joined as CTO from the 1st September 2023. Chris is an experienced CTO and will be focused on the product development & technical infrastructure and will take over Product ownership from Adam.

Josh Raybal – Marketing Team

Josh Raybal joined the marketing team as AI Integration Specialist on the 17th August 2023. Josh will be assisting David in utilising AI tools and methods to maximise marketing output.

Recent Events

Global Legal Association Conference – Amsterdam


Our CEO, Adam Leese, was recently invited to speak at a leading legal conference in Amsterdam on a panel discussing the Adoption Of AI, ML & Blockchain Technology In Litigation:

Upcoming Events

D3 Bahamas Web3 & Fintech Conference – 10th – 12th October 2023

Atlantis Paradise Islands Bahamas


We are pleased to announce that NFT Workx has been selected to pitch in the NFTs Qualifying Round of the D3 Bahamas Startup Pitch Competition! 

The qualifying round takes place on Tuesday 19 September, and will be held online on Zoom (not in the Bahamas unfortunately!)

At the end of each qualifying round, the top 2 companies with the highest scores will go through to the Live Final which will be held on stage at D3 Bahamas Web3 & FinTech Conference on 12 October 2023. Finalists will have their flights and accommodation covered to attend the Conference and pitch in the Bahamas!

Wish us luck for this one! 🙂

Future Blockchain Summit


We are also pleased to announce that NFT Workx will be exhibiting and pitching at the Future Blockchain Summit in Dubai, 15-18 October 2023. The Future Blockchain Summit is the largest blockchain conference and exhibition in the region and will bring together world-leading companies and influential minds to explore the transformative potential of disruptive multi-industry blockchain technologies.

Token Launch Updates

As the markets continue to stand still and the crypto winter continues, we are still waiting to see signs of improvement. October and November have historically been positive months for the industry so we shall wait and see. 

Our focus is to now get the Asset Workx App updated (more details below) and the eCommerce platform launched by November. At this point we will begin to onboard more app users and our first e-commerce customers. 

As always, timing is everything and we will make the final decision on the token launch based on the data and industry sentiment.

Mobile App Updates

As we get closer to the eCommerce platform launch we are now turning our focus back onto the Asset Workx app and will begin working on the following updates:

  • Getting the App on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
  • Check to see how many WRKX Tokens are in the users wallet
  • Implement Membership Tiers (based on no. WRKX tokens held) 

These updates will be critical in onboarding the next wave of app users. Buying, earning and holding WRKX tokens are key to the benefits membership will provide.

eCommerce Platform Updates

We have been busy working on a key feature called Tokengating on the eCommerce platform: Tokengating enables merchants to offer NFT holders exclusive access to products and discounts. For example, a merchant can give customers who hold a Digital Collectible a 25%-off discount. Customers can unlock the discount by connecting their wallet to prove that they own the collectible. 

Shopify: We have had some delays with Shopify Support in relation to getting the tokengating function approved. We have now had some guidance which the developers are working on. 

WooCommerce: Due to the delays with Shopify we have started the Tokengating development work for WooCommerce, which offers a lot more flexibility and less restrictions compared with Shopify. The development work for this is due to be completed imminently.

We have decided to change the newsletter frequency from quarterly to monthly so you can expect your next update in October.

As always, we thank you for your continued support and if you have any questions please feel free to get in touch. 

Kind regards


Adam Leese
NFT Workx Ltd / WRKX LLC